Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday with great neighbors

It's finally warming up here in Tennessee, but still drizzling. We've had some pretty cold weather for this area. This morning was in the 50's- not bad.

We were invited to have dinner with our great neighbors, Joe and Joanie Gaspar. Joanie really knows how to make a beautiful setting. We had delicious ham, baked potato or sweet potato, asparagus coated with romano cheese and garlic, roasted brussel sprouts, wonderful spinach salad with mandarin oranges and strawberries, a nice relish tray and homemade rolls. What a spread. We ate like piglets.

After dinner, we played a fun game of Mexican Train Dominoes. They let me win, but it was a fight to the finish.

Joanie and her beautiful table
This is my neighbor, Joanie. Isn't her table beautiful?

Bob was the Easter Bunny. Isn't he cute?

Joe was the official ham carver and he did a great job.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Home again

Home Sweet Home
We spent 5 nights on the road coming home. The first 2 nights we spent with friends in Louisianna. Glen and Annette Simms. Such good friends. We were welcomed with a big pot of Gumbo and rice. Delicious!!!

The next night, we had fresh catfish and hush puppies and coleslaw. Annette's home-made tartar sauce made with the 1015 onions we gave her, was to die for.

The next 3 nights we spent with our son, Robert. He's on a work contract at Rucker's Army Base in Alabama. He is a helicopter mechanic. We enjoyed the base and had a nice campsite there.

Finally got back to our home in Madisonville, TN at 2 PM Monday. It snowed Tuesday morning about an inch. It never got over 37 degrees. It's still cold, but the sun is shining.

We have a lot to do to prepare for our cross country to Alaska and Canada trip, so keep checking. I hope to share our experiences with you.

Our last Pot Luck at Dolphin

This was our last Pot-luck Supper. It was sad 
for me to say "Good-bye". Carol said to just
say "See you later".

Old friends too

Great Foods
Great Family
Great friends

Great friends
Great friends