Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday with great neighbors

It's finally warming up here in Tennessee, but still drizzling. We've had some pretty cold weather for this area. This morning was in the 50's- not bad.

We were invited to have dinner with our great neighbors, Joe and Joanie Gaspar. Joanie really knows how to make a beautiful setting. We had delicious ham, baked potato or sweet potato, asparagus coated with romano cheese and garlic, roasted brussel sprouts, wonderful spinach salad with mandarin oranges and strawberries, a nice relish tray and homemade rolls. What a spread. We ate like piglets.

After dinner, we played a fun game of Mexican Train Dominoes. They let me win, but it was a fight to the finish.

Joanie and her beautiful table
This is my neighbor, Joanie. Isn't her table beautiful?

Bob was the Easter Bunny. Isn't he cute?

Joe was the official ham carver and he did a great job.


  1. Hi Sally. Makes me hungry just reading about the dinner. You are now on my blog list thanks to Anna and her expertise. I sure do miss you.

    1. I will be adding more after we start our travels. I enjoy your blog and really miss you too. Hope we can connect when we get closer to you. Love, Sally

  2. Cutest bunny I've ever seen. Happy Easter. Love you.

    1. Hi Bobbie Sue

      Glad you read my blog. Once we start our travels, I should put more on. Love you.
