Saturday, July 20, 2013

Seward Military Resort

We arrived here on July11th. You have to be military to camp here, but it's always filled up. Some just spend a day or two, some just one night. Most everyone comes to get salmon. We stayed ten days. We did some touristy things and some great salmon fishing too.

Here it is, July 20th. It's beautiful, sunny and warm, but there's still snow in the mountains.

The guys and Shin all went fishing for salmon. It was a great day for fishing. They brought home their limit. Three per person. Sue and I stayed home to care for the dogs. They fished in Soldotna, Ak. The salmon were running. We filled Joe's freezer with the halibut and salmon.

Our camp has wonderful facilities for taking care of the fish. They have two big Fish Houses.

This is inside one of the fish houses. There is a big long table on the right used for cleaning and fileting. The middle section is for packaging. They furnish paper and tape. The machines on the left are machines to vacuum pack the fish for freezing.

This is a magpie. There are several in our camp. They can be pretty noisy.

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