Sunday, August 25, 2013

Goodbye Alaska

Our last night in Alaska. This is the closest we saw of a sunset.

On our way to Canada. We said goodbye to Alaska. We drove into the clouds a good part of the morning along with some pretty heavy fog.

This is Bear Glacier. I'm a little ahead of myself in this picture. This is a glacier near Skagway, Alaska. It's the only glacier we got to see that actually reached the water.

After leaving Tok, Alaska, our first stop was in Carcross, YT. From here, we crossed over into the touristy town of Skagway, Alaska.  Here in Carcross, Bob cooked us all up some kolirobi (a hard cabbage-like vegetable)

Downtown Carcross was pretty neat.

I took a picture of this beautiful lake on the way to Carcross.

I thought this mountain was very beautiful. All rock, no trees.

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