Friday, May 24, 2013

Columbia River/ Skagit River

Still in Oregon, we were on I-84 all along the Columbia River Gorge. It was a beautiful ride. The Columbia River is wide and picturesque.

On the other side of the Columbia River is the state of Washington. It is a beautiful state. At this time of the year there is so much color with the Lilacs, Rhododendrons and other shrubs. We just missed the tulips that Washington is famous for.

We have spent 5 days in Mt Vernon, WA. This bridge on I-5 collapsed last night. We had crossed this bridge a couple of times. I'm sure glad it didn't happen to us. Apparently an over-sized load hit part of the bridge and caused the collapse. The semi made it across okay, but the 2 vehicles that followed came down with it. No one died, but it is a huge inconvenience to detour this part of the interstate. We have to take I-5 into Canada, so we will take the detour.

Part of the bridge collapsed taking a pickup truck and car with it.

This young man stayed on top of his car waiting for rescue. I'm sure the water is pretty cold. It's only in the 60's here.

Rescue boats came to get the young man in the car and a man and woman in the pickup. I'm sure it will take a long time before this bridge is replaced. 

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