Jack took us on a different tour of the Redwood Forest. It wasn't so well traveled and the road wasn't paved, but we really enjoyed the adventure. The untouched forest was awesome, and I enjoyed the different flora of the forest.
The road at times seemed too narrow for Jack's big truck to pass through, but we made it through every passage.
Jack had his T-top open for us to view the massive height of these awesome trees.
We came across a tree that was hollow. Joe decided to climb inside. When he got inside, all of a sudden he screamed---"There's something in here!!!!" He pretended to be being dragged in by some horrible creature. Very funny, Joe.
It didn't scare me. I too decided to venture inside. Once you get inside, it's quite spacious, and you can stand up and walk around. It was hollow all the way to the top.
Since it was not high tide, we decided to visit the Battery Point Lighthouse. The landscape was beautiful. The keepers and tour guides are all volunteers. They stay a month at a time there. We had a full tour all the way to the top. There is a lot of history in this lighthouse built in 1856.
Bob took this picture while we were way up to the top. What an awesome view from all the windows. Our campsite is in the distance on the left side by the tree. I learned a lot about lighthouses. It was a great tour.
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